MLA Paper
This is the template MLA Paper. A template that can be used by LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.
Download or edit the template MLA Paper valid for LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.
This template is based off the guide lines in Modern Language Association Handbook.This template provides examples of how to setup your MLA paper and how to use the format properly.
Simply overwrite the examples with your own work.
Ensure you don't leave anything behind.
The date will auto set to the current date specified by your computer.
If you want a different date just replace the text.
For submitting electronically - Keep in mind that LibreOffice uses .
odt by default.
Because of this and the fact that a lot of instructors use Microsoft Office you might want to save your paper in .
docx or .
doc format.
You can open this document in Microsoft Word 2016 if the application has access to the internet.
I would ask your instructor what format he wants.
When in doubt use .
- Printing If your paper looks strange printed, then please read the paragraph below.
 Check your printer settings on the physical printer and host machine.
These settings are separate to the printing prompt in LibreOffice.
Make sure you do not have any setting that will shrink the page to fit borders.
If you use a CUPS print server then set the Shrink Border setting to "Crop (preserve Dimensions)" Paper size is US Letter: 8.
5x11 inches.
To make sure your page is perfect use a imperial ruler and measure the borders.
They should be exactly 1 inch from all sides with the exception of the bottom depending how your paragraph structure came out.
The Header will be .
5 inches for the top and 1 inch from the right side.
If the measurement is more than a 16th of an inch off, your printer settings are wrong or your paper tray needs adjustment.
Free download template MLA Paper integrated with the OffiDocs web apps