Artha English Thesaurus dictionary
Our English dictionary online provided by our cloud solution, Artha English Thesaurus. Click in the following button to use Artha online:
Gedit online text editor
Our Gedit online app, a powerful general purpose text editor simple and easy to use. Click in the following button to use Gedit online:
GOCR - OCR (Optical Character Recognition) online
You can convert scanned images of text back to text files with our app GOCR Online. Click in the following button to convert scanned images to text:
XLinux online Linux
You can open a Linux Virtual Machine online with our app XLinux online Linux. Click in the following button to run the online Linux virtual machine:
Evince online document viewer
Our Evince online app, a document viewer for multiple document formats: PDF, PostScript, DjVu, TIFF, XPS and DVI formats. Click in the following button to use Evince online:
GnuCash online accounting software
Our GnuCash online app, a personal and small-business financial-accounting software to track income and expenses. Click in the following button to use GnuCash online:
Grisbi online finance manager
Our Grisbi online app, a personal accounting program that can manage multiple accounts, currencies and users. Click in the following button to use Grisbi online:
Xournal online editor for notetaking and PDF
You can create and edit notes & PDF with our app Xournal Online. Click in the following button to create or edit notes & PDF: